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Use Siri to run shortcut to check server status in iOS/MacOS

Current Version:V1.0 (Chinese)

Get shortcut command

Scan the following QR code with your iPhone or iPad to get the shortcut


MacOS users please visit here to get the shortcut

How to use

  • After getting the shortcut, open and edit the shortcut
  • Fill in Dashboard URL, API Token, Server ID in the three text boxes
  • Save the edit and test run, if you can get the result, the setting is correct.
  • Modify the name of the shortcut, such as: Server Status, then you can use Siri command: "Hey Siri, Server Status" to get the server status.


Each shortcut can only monitor one server, if you need to monitor more than one server, please copy this shortcut several times and configure them separately, then modify the shortcut name separately, such as; Server 1 Status, Server 2 Status, etc.